Sage Fixed Assets Ideas Portal

Consolidated Reporting - Project Listing Summary: ACTUAL Spend Option NOT to Include Expensed

Consolidated Reporting in Planning: Project Listing Summary
The Actual Spend column includes expense items. Is there a way we can exclude this from the report? It should not be included in the total if we are trying to reconcile CIP.

PROCESS: For example, in project detail, a $15,000 expense is included in LineID 1, but line ID 4 houses the capital expenditures. I couldn't find a way to have my project listing report only show capital expenditures.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Configuration dialog box with an option to include expensed items (similar to: �include pending transactions�)

WORKAROUND: Running the Consolidated Line Item Summary Report for Capital Line Item Summary report for Capital Line Items only, but the Project Listing Report is so nice!
It's easy to see everything on one page. This is especially true with multiple projects moving each day/week/month.

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  • Nov 18 2019
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