Sage Fixed Assets Ideas Portal

Change the layout of the toolbar in SFA-Planning

The toolbar in the SFA-Planningg program is not logically arranged. Here is the current layout:

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  1. open project

  2. close project

  3. edit project

  4. open group view

  5. new line item

  6. move/copy line item

  7. save selected line items as a group

  8. open detail view

  9. new transaction

  10. move/copy transaction

  11. split transaction

  12. search current view

  13. close search

  14. report definition

  15. group manager

  16. help


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In this proposed layout, the group view is next to the detail view because the user will be in one or the other.

Also, the group icons are paired – the save selections to a group is next to the Group Manager.

  • Robert McElroy
  • Mar 19 2024
  • Great Idea Currently In The Works
  • Dec 3, 2024

    Admin response

    We are excited to inform you that your request will be addressed in our next release, version 2025.1, scheduled for mid-January 2025.

    The Planning application will have an improved user interface with a new design to improve the efficiency and flow of managing your construction in process projects.

    We greatly appreciate your suggestion and look forward to delivering this enhancement to improve your experience with Sage Fixed Assets.