Sage Fixed Assets Ideas Portal

Additions Report - Add a from/to date range and PIS/Acq Date options to the Quarterly Acquisition or File Listing report so I can use it to reconcile additions

Quarterly acquisition report, add date parameters. I want to run a report for one month but can only run it as of a period end for a quarter.

SM 2/14/2022 - Sage City idea:

"The mid-quarter applicability report lacks the flexibility to select "in-service" date, when that date differs from the acquisition date. Please add selection criteria to use "placed in service date" for this test.

Ex: Acquisition date is 1/1/17; In-service date is 5/23/18. This asset is excluded from the 2018 mid-quarter applicability report, requiring manual manipulation to correct the report."

Fix acquisitions reporting - Reporting - Sage Fixed Assets - Sage City Community

  • James Reese
  • Apr 21 2022
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