Sage Fixed Assets Ideas Portal

Planning - Add ability to export Asset information to a CSV file

User story:

As a customer, I want to export Line Item information about assets that I created to an CSV file for import into applications other than SFA Depreciation, so that I can use Planning as a CIP solution with my existing depreciation product.

(As a Sage partner or sales person) I want to be able to sell Planning as a stand-alone program that can export asset data in a format for other fixed assets applications, so I can sell Planning independently of SFA Depreciation. Also, it is a good foot in the door for future sales.)


Ability to export the following existing Line Item fields to a CVS file:

- create one row per asset (thus if the Asset Information tab shows 4 assets, create 4 rows with the same general information and the appropriate cost (see 3rd image)

- export the customized field names (i.e. Custodian, not "User Field 11")

  • James Reese
  • Apr 21 2022
  • One For The Future